无碳复写纸(快递单用) 防伪彩纤纸

价格 1.00对比
发货 河南焦作市
销量 暂无
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防伪彩纤纸(Security Bond Paper):在纸浆中加入少量的有色彩纤维或荧光纤维,从而使抄出来的纸有防伪功能,主要用于各种税票、票据。江河主要生产红色、蓝色、无色荧光彩纤纸。

In paper making visible or invisible fibers  are  added to the paper stock to give the paper security functions. The paper is used mainly for tax bills or commercial papers. From JiangHe Paper the security paper has blue or red visible fibers and invisible florescent fiber inside the paper, and can be delivered either as simple security bond paper or as coated carbonless paper.


 无碳复写纸(Carbonless Copy Paper,简称CCP)是一种新型的复写纸,其特点是,在复写纸的上层写字,不用垫涂了油墨的复写层也能复写。无碳复写纸多应用于多联单据上,现在的发票、合同、条约等有法律效应的正规单据,已经全部用上了无碳复写纸。江河现有“木”、“水”、“水木清华”、“开源”、“木之源”五个品牌的无碳复写纸,其中“木”、“水”为高端品牌。

Carbonless paper (CCP or NCR) is coated paper with copying function that requires no carbon paper to be inserted between different layers of paper, but if you write or apply pressure on the first layer the writing or the image is re-produced on the underlying layers. Today carbonless paper is used to make official documents with legal effects, such as contract forms, tax  invoices, hotel bills, vouchers, etc. From JiangHe Paper, we deliver carbonless paper for different qualities under different brand names。

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